
Yoga fitness body


Yoga asanas or poses are excellent for improving blood circulations to your legs, arms and the entire body.for good blood flow in your body you need to have healthy circulation system in your body, which can ensure unobstructed oxygen and blood, flow to every part and organ in your body. Yoga also helps in problems related to brain like stress,

tension, anxiety or memory related problems along with the rest of your body. The long deep breathing and consciously relaxing the body and several kinds of asanas and poses in yoga that work in a specific manner to improve the circulation some of them are:

1. The standing poses that stretch and tones the lateral all of your heart so that there is a healthy flew of blood to the walls.

2. Inverted poses that increase the flow of blood to the brain and prevent tissue degeneration. It also helps to rest the lymphatic system of the legs that has to constantly pump the blood upwards.

3. Bending poses that help to tone the cardiac muscles and also increase blood circulation.
Some Other Poses Are:

• Matsyasana Or The Fish Pose - This pose helps by increasing blood circulation and strengthening the entire respiratory system.

Fish Pose, Matsayasana

• Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose - This pose helps in curing problems in the neck and abdomen and constipation as well. It also improves blood circulation, strengthens the spine and helps to treat the problems related to it.


• Sirshasana or the HeadStand - This pose is excellent for improving blood circulation to all parts of the body. Since this is an inverted pose the blood rushes to all the parts of the body.

Sirshasana of the headstand,English

• Uttanpadasana or raised leg pose - this pose is very useful in case of varicose vein.

Uttanpadasana or raised leg pose,English

Improvement of health and the brain system, rejuvenation of the skin, making it smoother and prevent wrinkles, stronger lungs and a healthier and relaxation of the body and mind.
